Women in Paleontology Webinar- Series 2

Instead of talking about some randomness about dinosaurs or fossils that I found neat or interesting, I thought I would talk about the webinar I watched yesterday a little bit. Yesterday during the mental health awareness campaign (sorry for the mindless tweets and ‘shout-outs’ to raise money), I mentioned that women in STEM programs are at a disadvantage compared to their male counterparts when it comes to moving forward in their studies and careers. This is due to many factors and only through educating others and advocating for equal pay and respect can we make a difference.

Well, yesterday was also the start of the Series 2 webinars on myfossil.org which I enjoy watching to learn extra skills and gain insight into the professional world of paleontologists. What makes series 2 so special for me is that it is dedicated to shining a spotlight on women

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What is it? Wednesday pt. 4

For this week I thought I would show something a bit easier to identify. I loved this stopover. There were many different fossilized critters to look at. I know I don’t have anything in this photo for scale, but this fossil isn’t hard to identify if you have an imagination. HINT: We were at a site that was once part of a rich aquatic reef.

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