What is it? Wednesday. #BellLetsTalk

I can’t stress enough how important it is to talk about mental health every once in a while. Today is Bell’s Lets Talk day where they donate 5 cents for every social media post, tweet, and text message with #BellLetsTalk in it. Why do I care about this?
(….) I am a part of a few paleontological groups for women and the stories I read about experiences are heartbreaking. Women who I consider mentors, have all encountered roadblocks of some sort. This treatment can be extremely stressful(….)
OK, back to our What is it? Wednesday.

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What is it? Wednesday pt. 4

For this week I thought I would show something a bit easier to identify. I loved this stopover. There were many different fossilized critters to look at. I know I don’t have anything in this photo for scale, but this fossil isn’t hard to identify if you have an imagination. HINT: We were at a site that was once part of a rich aquatic reef.

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